G436: Advanced Remote Sensing – Digital Image Processing
G467: Ecohydrology
G439: GIS & Environmental Analyses
External funding
2017-2022: Prepared for Environmental Change, Principal Investigator, Indiana University Grand Challenge Initiative ($19,000 to Principal Investigator in year 1)
2017-2019: Impacts of Climate and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Gross and Net Primary Productivity in the Southeastern USA. Institutional Principal Investigator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Carbon Cycle Science program. ($436,669 to Indiana University)
2016-2018: Coweeta LTER VIIb - The Interacting Effects of Hydroclimate Variability and Human Landscape Modification in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation (NSF) Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER). ($38,485 to Indiana University)
2014 - 2017: Modeling the Ecohydrological Interactions Among Land Use Change, Climate Variability, and Forest Condition in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Principal Investigator, USDA Forest Service. $150,000
Representative publications
* means "advises"
Kim, J.*, Hwang, T., Schaaf, C.L., Kljun, N., Munger, W.J. 2018. Seasonal variation of source contributions to eddy-covariance CO2 measurements in a mixed hardwood-conifer forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (in press).
Hwang, T., Gholizadeh, H.*, Sims, D., Novick, K., Brzostek, E.R., Phillips, R.P., Roman, D.T., Robeson, S.M., Rahman, A. 2017. Capturing species-level drought responses in a temperate deciduous forest using ratios of photochemical reflectance indices between sunlit and shaded canopies. Remote Sensing of Environment, 199, 350-359.
Kim, J.*, Hwang, T., Schaaf, C., Orwig, D., Boose, E., Munger, J. 2017. Increased water yield due to the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) infestation in New England. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 2327-2335. (Featured in AGU Blogosphere and in the cover page) (Multiple news reports in IU newsroom and Science Magazine, Science Daily, Northern Woodlands, and others).
Hwang, T., Band, L.E, Hales, T.C., Miniat, C.F., Vose, J.M., Bolstad, P.V., Miles, B., Price, K. 2015. Simulating vegetation controls on hurricane-induced shallow landslides with a distributed ecohydrological model. Journal of Geophysical Research–Biogeosciences, 120, 361-378.
Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Miniat, C.F., Song, C., Bolstad, P.V., Vose, J.M., Love, J. 2014. Divergent phenological response to hydroclimate variability in forested mountain watersheds. Global Change Biology, 20, 2580-2595.
Zhou, L., Tian, Y., Myneni, R.B., Ciais, P., Saatchi, S., Liu, Y.Y., Piao, S., Chen, S., Vermote, E.F., Song, C., Hwang, T. 2014. Widespread Decline of Congo Rainforest Greenness in the Last Decade. Nature, 509, 86-90. (selected as NEWS&VIEWS paper; Chambers, J.Q., Roberts, D.A. 2014. Ecology: Drought in the Congo Basin, Nature, 509, 36-37).
Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Vose, J.M. Tague, C. 2012. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Hydrologic vegetation gradient as an indicator for lateral hydrologic connectivity of headwater catchments. Water Resources Research, 48, W06514.
Band, L. E., Hwang, T., Hales, T.C., Vose, J., Ford, C.R. 2012. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Mapping and modeling ecohydrological controls of landslides, Geomorphology, 137, 159-167.
Hwang, T., Song, C., Bolstad, P., Band, L.E. 2011. Downscaling real-time vegetation dynamics by fusing multi-temporal MODIS and Landsat NDVI in topographically complex terrain. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 2499-2512.
Hwang, T., Song, C., Vose, J.M., Band, L.E. 2011. Topography-mediated controls on local vegetation phenology estimated from MODIS vegetation index. Landscape Ecology, 26, 541-556.
Hwang, T., Band, L.E., Hales, T.C. 2009. Ecosystem processes at the watershed scale: Extending optimality theory from plot to catchment. Water Resources Research, 45, W11425.
Hwang, T., Kang, S., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Lee, D., Band, L.E. 2008. Evaluating drought effect on MODIS Gross Primary Production (GPP) with an eco-hydrological model in the Mountainous Forest, East Asia. Global Change Biology, 14, 1037–1056.