Seth Adelsperger
Graduate Student
- setadels@iu.edu
Research Interests: Watershed hydrology, surface water, groundwater, and drought.
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Watershed hydrology, surface water, groundwater, and drought.
Graduate Student
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Digital space, humanitarian aid, digital justice, policy processes
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Development Geography, Political Ecology, and Disaster Studies.
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Surface water; water storage; remote sensing; GIS
Graduate Student
Program: Food and agriculture. Research Interests: Conservation science; environmental sustainability; food systems science; supermarketization.
Graduate Student
Program: Food and Agriculture
Graduate Student
carceral/abolition geography; historical geography; critical historical GIS; histories of collective action & criminalization in Colorado; imaginative geographies; place-making; Qualitative GIS Methodologies
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Water resources; climate and environmental change; GIS
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Dendrochronology, climate and environment change
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Policing, Public Safety, Race, Uneven Development, Latin America, Brazil
Graduate Student
Geosciences; Geographic Climatology; Critical Urban Climatology; Indoor Thermal Comfort and Favelas
Graduate Student
Research Interest: Climate Change, Environmental Change, Spatial Statistics, Remote Sensing
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Remote sensing, vegetation dynamics, dryland ecosystem patterns and processes, land use and land cover change, climate change, terrestrial carbon cycle, ecohydrology, terrestrial ecosystem modelling, and geospatial analysis.
Graduate Student
Climatology; extreme events; Anthropogenic Climate Change; attribution science; Critical Physical Geography
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Black Geographies, Disability Studies, Biotechnology, Emergent Diseases, Climate Change, Insects
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Land Systems, Social-Ecological Systems, Institutional Analysis, Remote Sensing, GIS, Field Research, Mixed Methods, Amazon
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Food studies, sustainable food systems, rural food systems, agroecology, identity, heritage, slow food, Italy
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Waters; development politics; environmentalisms; ethnography. Geographical region of interest: Himalayas
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Political Geography, Urban Geography, Forced Displacement, Refugee Studies, South Asia, Rohingya
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Restaurants, Labor, Political Economy
Graduate Student
Program: Cities, Development, and Justice
Graduate Student
Research Interests: Mobility studies; cultural studies; political geography; science and technology studies; Taiwan