2023, Beatriz Bustos, Salvatore Engel-Di-Mauro, Gustavo García, Felipe Milanez and Diana Ojeda, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Environment and Latin America. London and New York: Routledge.
2022, Diana Ojeda, Padini Nirmal, Dianne Rocheleau and Jody Emel, “Feminist Ecologies”, Annual Review of Natural Resources 47.
2022, Diana Ojeda, “Beyond Land as Property: A Feminist Perspective”, in J. Borras and J. Franco (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Land. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021, Diana Ojeda, “Social reproduction, dispossession and the gendered workings of agrarian extractivism in Colombia”, B. McKay, A. Alfonso-Fradejas and A. Ezquerro-Cañete (eds.), Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America, London and New York: Routledge.
2019, D. Ojeda, “La playa vacía, el bosque exuberante y el otro exótico: Herramientas para el análisis crítico del turismo de naturaleza” [The Empty Beach, the Exuberant Forest and the Exotic Other: Tools for a Critical Analysis of Nature Tourism], in E. Cañada (ed.) Aproximaciones teóricas a los estudios críticos del turismo. Madrid: Icaria