- PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
- M.A., The University of Texas at Austin
- B.A., Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru

Julio Postigo
Assistant Professor, Geography
Assistant Professor, Geography
Postigo, J.C. 2020. Indigenous Andean Pastoralist’s Responses to Coupled Climate-Related Water Hazards and Nonclimatic Stressors. In Press. Climate and Development.
Petzold, J., Andrews, N., Ford, J.D., Hedemann, C., Postigo, J.C. 2020. Indigenous knowledge on climate change adaptation: A global evidence map of academic literature. Environmental Research Letters 15 (11) 113007.
Aldunce, P., M.P. González, A. Lampis, M. Pardo-Buendía, S.V. Poats, J. C. Postigo, A. Rosas Huerta, R. Sapiains Arrue, A.M. Ugarte Caviedes y N. Yañez Fuenzalida, 2020: Sociedad, gobernanza, inequidad y adaptación. En: Adaptación frente a los riesgos del cambio climático en los países Iberoamericanos – Informe RIOCCADAPT. [Moreno, J.M., C. Laguna-Defior, V. Barros, E. Calvo Buendía, J.A. Marengo y U. Oswald Spring (eds.)]. McGraw-Hill, Madrid, España (pp. 49-89, ISBN: 9788448621643).